Women’s Hair Transplantation

Μεταμόσχευση μαλλιών σε γυναίκες

Most women despise having their hair fall out. Whether it appears as thinning hair, a receding hairline, or brow hair loss. In many cases, the advanced, patented HST-method for hair transplantation is a long-term solution for restoring a natural head of hair.

Obtain a professional diagnosis

Female pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common type of hair loss in women. However, baldness can be caused by a variety of factors. As a result, when deciding on a hair transplant, a proper diagnosis is critical.

Our medical doctors will conduct a thorough evaluation of your personal situation during a free consultation. We will discuss your health status as well as your wishes. We will provide you with a detailed treatment plan based on this medical diagnosis.


HST Transplantation is the gold standard for women’s hair transplants (HST). The sophisticated HST method produces the best, most natural results of any hair transplant method. The harvested grafts are extremely small, resulting in a dense hair implant and a natural result that will last a lifetime.

HST harnesses nature’s power by utilizing the ability of human resources to regenerate. The innovative nature of this technique is that only a small portion of the hair follicle, rather than the entire follicle, is harvested from the donor area.

ένα θυλάκιο

One follicle, many hairs

This is a small miracle: the ability to regenerate hair from a single graft can result in multiple hairs from a single graft (hair follicle). The new grafts are closely spaced, resulting in high hair density and a beautiful, natural-looking hairline.

Extra boost

By giving the grafts an extra boost, a special, patented preservation solution stimulates growth and increases viability. This integrated approach serves as the foundation for our sophisticated hair transplantation method, which promotes hair growth in both the receptor and donor areas. HST almost never causes bald spots or scars on the back of the head. This way, any future transplants are still possible.

Recovery time is short

To perform a HST hair transplant, not all of the woman’s hair must be trimmed. It is possible to shave only a small area on the back of the head, known as the donor area. The number of grafts to be extracted determines whether this is possible. The surrounding hair will cover the shaved area after the treatment. As a result, the treatment is nearly imperceptible. Because our doctors and technicians use precision instruments, there is little recovery time and the recipient and donor areas heal quickly.

Request a free consultation


In women, hair loss is frequently the first sign of baldness. The before and after photos below demonstrate that a hair transplant is one of the best options for filling in thin hair.


Fortunately, in the majority of cases of female hair loss, there is something that can be done about it. After all, a beautiful head of hair is much more than just a cosmetic thing for most women. It makes them feel more feminine and, as a result, more self-assured.

750 τριχοθυλάκια

HST hair transplant | 750 grafts


Because most female patients have overall hair thinning, it is critical that grafts are distributed evenly over the head. During a personal consultation, our medical doctors will be able to tell you exactly how many grafts you will require to achieve the desired result. They also give you detailed instructions on how and where to implant the hair.

You can rely on our vast experience because Hair Science Clinic has already treated thousands of women.

1606 τριχοθυλάκια

HST hair transplant | 1606 grafts

1015 τριχοθυλάκια

HST hair transplant | 1015 grafts

More information about the day of the treatment


Scar tissue is characterized by the fact that the original hair growth no longer recovers. It is now possible to restore hair growth on scarred skin using the scientific HST-method, even if only a small number of donor hair is available.

676 τριχοθυλάκια

HST hair transplant | 676 grafts

1006 και 1015 τριχοθυλάκια

HST hair transplant in 2 phases | 1006 grafts and 1015 grafts

1006 και 1015 τριχοθυλάκια Β

HST hair transplant in 2 phases | 1050 grafts and 1000 grafts


Your eyebrows play an important role in defining your face. They add depth and expression to the face. When brows fall out or become too thin, it is critical to determine the cause of the hair loss. Age, illness, medication, chemotherapy, and the frequency with which you pluck your brows are all factors that can contribute to eyebrow hair not growing back.

Μεταμόσχευση φρυδιών

Result after an HST eyebrow hair transplant

φρύδια με τη μέθοδο HST

Result after an HST eyebrow hair transplant

A long-term solution

Until recently, it was impossible to reconstruct brows in a natural way. Fortunately, a brow transplant using the revolutionary HST method provides a permanent solution with the most natural-looking results.

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