

What is acne?

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the hair follicles, which, although it occurs mainly in adolescence, can occur less frequently in adulthood.

Where does acne appear?

Acne mainly affects the face but also the shoulders, back and chest. It is particularly common, occurring in 75% of people during their lifetime. Acne is a disease of all ages. It usually occurs in adolescence but it is not a disease which occurs during adolescence exclusively.

Women’s acne and make up

In women, an important factor in the occurrence of acne is the action of androgen hormones, in the context or not of polycystic ovary syndrome. After all, in 70% of women with acne, there are some lesions or an exacerbation of about a week before menstruation. Makeup is best done with powder and not with make-up. If and when make-up is used, it is better to apply oil-free make-up.

Dealing with Acne

Treatment of acne

Acne treatment is effective in almost all cases and depends on the form, duration and location of the disease, the presence of inflammatory or non-inflammatory lesions, the age of the patient and the previously applied treatment methods. All these factors must be evaluated by a dermatologist, who will administer the appropriate treatment. 

The psychological effects can be much more severe than the doctor and relatives have estimated. The information and cooperation of the patient is a basic condition for the success of the treatment, since its duration does not concern a few days or weeks, but several months.

Most acne sufferers believe or have read that certain foods, such as animal fats or chocolate, cause or worsen the appearance. This view, however, does not seem to be confirmed by the study of a large number of patients. Therefore, the recommendation is, if the patient himself detects a food that bothers him, to limit it during the treatment.

Early diagnosis and treatment of acne, with appropriate – in any case – medication, inhibits its spread, prevents the formation of scars and relieves the patient from the disease, which has a negative effect on the patient’s psychology.

The experience in the treatment of acne, but also the constant updating about new treatments, will ensure you an effective treatment.

Acne scars treatment (with natural outcome)

The earlier the treatment is started, and when the lesions do not open before they subside, that is, when we do not “break the pimples”, the less are the chances of developing scars. On already established scars and acne scars, we can intervene with the help of special peels, special Lasers as well as micro-invasively in order to improve the health and image of the skin.

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