Moisturized skin is more elastic, does not exfoliate and looks firm and soft at the same time, and therefore more youthful and healthy. It is argued that various substances, mainly lipids, which are located between the cells of the upper layers of the skin play an important role in maintaining adequate moisture in the skin. These hydrostabilizing agents are destroyed by exposure to the environment, such as e.g. from cleaning with soap and other solvents and from sun exposure. After all, the largest percentage of solar radiation that we receive during our lifetime we receive after short exposures that are not accompanied by a similar intention, that is, we receive it when we do not expect it.
Moisturizing the skin is achieved with moisturizing and emollient creams, which contain substances that facilitate the penetration of water into the skin. At the same time, they prevent the loss of water from its surface, that is, they maintain and reproduce the hydrostabilizing agents of the skin. It is also preferable, for the above reasons, to contain sunscreens that will ensure adequate, daily protection from the sun.